Fassage Green
The land known as ‘Fassage Green’ in the village of Lode was owned by the National Trust and formed part of the NT Wicken Fen Vision area for biodiversity and environmental benefits. The former allotments on the land had become neglected and overgrown, and the National Trust therefore intended to sell the plot. However, the land has significant value as public open amenity space - lying directly between the village rec, playground, cemetery and Parish Council owned allotments. We partnered with the Lode With Longmeadow Village Trust and the Lode Parish Council to facilitate a consultation event allowing people to have their say on the future of the land. The land was purchased by the Trust to be maintained as a village asset. A landscape masterplan and maintenance strategy are underway to ensure that the ground retains its biodiversity, public amenity and natural landscape value for the benefit of the village for the long term future. In 2022, with the help of volunteers we designed and erected a swift nesting tower, together with an original artwork by local artist Adam Bridgland.
Image of Fassage Green during a consultation event. Artwork by Adam Bridgland.